B Corp Prioritization Tool
The B Corp prioritization tool helps you in deciding what is the best next step in your B Corp journey. With the help of the B Corp Prioritization tool you immediately see how you are performing on the B Impact Assessment, which questions you are missing the points and how you score on the “low hanging fruit” questions.
€75,00 / month
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B Corp Prioritization Tool

Move to Impact has developed its own tool that immediately shows where your priority should be. With the help of our B Corp Prioritization tool you immediately see what should be the next step. Our unique self-developed and interactive tool shows the data from B Lab’s B Impact Assessment in a clear manner.
At a glance you can see where you as an organization have obtained the most points, but also where and how many points you are missing.
How our prioritization tool helps you!

Getting a quick interpretation of your initial B Corp Assessment score and how to get started
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€75,00 / month
B Corp Prioritization Tool – Annual Subscription
Frequently Asked Questions?
We prepared a guideline answering all your burning questions
Want to know more about our B Corp process?
Download our white paper in which we discuss the 6 steps to become a B Corp!

“The terms “B Corp” and “B Impact Assessment” and all related names and marks are trademarks of B Lab Company. Move to Impact is not affiliated in any way with or endorsed by B Lab Company.”