Free B Corp whitepaper
Read everything you need to know in order to become a B Corp in the most efficient way
6 steps to become a B Corp whitepaper (free!)
We got so many questions about our B Corp prioritization tool and how our clients can become a B Corp more efficiently. So it was time for this white paper!
Here all our answers and explanations on:
- ‘What is B Corp?’
- ‘What are the benefits of becoming a B Corp?’
- ‘What are the offical steps & Challenges?’
- Examples of B Corps: Tony Chocolonely, Patagonia, Auping & Dopper
- Our 6 steps on how to go thorugh the B Corp process more efficiently
Enjoy the white paper and when you have any additional questions you know where to find us.
We help you in becoming a B Corp!
Just by implementing our services you elevate your B corp score with