Current company KPI's


While you may have a background in reporting standards, CSRD is new for everyone. Explore how our Training and Tools can assist you in your CSRD journey!

Most Used by Auditors

Current company KPI's

Certified Sustainability Reporting Professional Program

Europe paper indicators

CSRD Audit Trail E-Learning

Year Report

CSRD Audit Training

Curious about which products or services are the best fit for your organization’s CSRD preparation?

Start the free CSRD Preparation quiz to discover what Move to Impact recommends.

Training: Learn About ESG Reporting

We understand the unique challenges faced by accountancy organizations like yours in navigating the complexities of CSRD. Our specialized training ensures your team is up-to-date with the latest CSRD requirements, equipped with the knowledge to provide high-quality services, and ready to seize market opportunities in sustainable reporting.

Europe paper indicators

Double Materiality Analysis Training

Current company KPI's

Certified Sustainability Reporting Professional Program

Year Report

CSRD Audit Training Program

Europe paper indicators

CSRD Audit Trail E-Learning

Tools: Automate CSRD Compliance

Check out our digital tools that make CSRD easy, keeping you in the loop with the latest changes in regulations and giving your team the support needed for accurate sustainability reporting. 

CSRD preparation platform

Virtual CSRD Consultant

Price on request

The Virtual CSRD Consultant guides you through the complex CSRD process. It’s a step-by step digital program that is educational and supports you and your team with a clear structure, practical tools, unique data driven tools, templates, and suggested actions to become compliant to CSRD. 

automated materiality analysis

Automated Materiality Analysis

Price on request

Doing a materiality analysis consist of interaction with your stakeholders. Deciding what to ask them, setting up a survey, collecting responses and analyzing data takes a lot of time. Save time and effort with the Automated Materiality Analysis from Move to Impact. The combination of a tool and survey report that are completely automated and standardized based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards. 

Impact dashboard

Interactive Impact Dashboard

Price on request

Start measuring and communicating the impact of your organization with help of an interactive impact dashboard. A set of workshops and some development time will lead towards a custom impact dashboard that shows the impact on financial, social and ecological level.

CSRD reporting

CSRD Policy Templates


The CSRD Policy Templates were developed as a deliverable for the CSRD report. The templates will help shape your policies in a way that can demonstrate your compliance with CSRD.

    CSRD reporting

    ESRS Summaries Package


    Each of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards contains a lot of information. We have condensed the relevant infromation into easily digestible summaries, so you can understand exaclty what is required for complaince with each of the ESRS

      Europe paper indicators

      ESRS Reporting Templates Package


      The ESRS Reporting Templates will help you report on each of the ESRS. This framework ensures that your data and analysis can be organized with CSRD compliance in mind. We have developed these templates to make the act of reporting on CSRD more straightforward. 

      Curious about our services?

      Book a meeting with our consultants